JUNE 6th - 8tH
Austin, TX

✅ Discover how smart leaders are using AI for big gains...
✅ Speakers share their top AI money-making secrets...
✅ Learn step-by-step how to apply AI to your business...
✅ Integrate AI into 18 different areas of your company...

🏆 You'll leave with their greatest secrets
🏆 An AI implementation plan and new AI tools
🏆 Powerful new allies
to help you grow business with AI
JUNE 6th – 8TH
Limited seating
Get your tickets right now


Ashley Gross

Adam Lyons

Molly Mahoney

Curt Maly

18 Expert

The AI Work Revolution {is Here}

✂️ Cut Through The Hype
Empower Your Team
🤓 Hang Out With AI Geniuses
Get Ahead Of The AI Wave
🤑 AI-ify Your Business

Limited Seating 👇👇👇👇👇
JUNE 6th – 8TH






Master AI In 18 areas of your business:

1) What Drives Customer Purchases
2) Crafting Social Media Content
3) Streamlining Business Operations
4) Amplifying Your Personal Brand
5) Automating Sales Processes
6) Overcoming AI Censorship
7) Selecting Optimal AI Tools
8) Anticipating The Future of
9) Creating Quick Marketing Videos
10) Launching a Business Rapidly
11) Building AI Resilience in Business
12) Thinking in AI
13) Building Custom AI Tools
14) Integrating AI into Your Business
15) Predicting Market Trends
16) Scaling AI In Your Business
17) Personalizing Learning Through AI
18) Strategizing Against Competitors

change is coming and nothing will stop it.

There’s a never ending flood of empty hype being thrown at desperate unsuspecting victims that threatens to waste their time and money as everyone, the good, the bad, and the ugly, scramble to adjust.

Why do they fall for it?

Because they don’t have good intel. At the same time that the AI Revolution is happening, employees and owners are also stretched thin, focused on running their own businesses and doing their jobs. Put simply, there’s no time to drop everything and become a full time AI researcher...

You need insider secrets to navigate this shift.

The World AI Summit curates, collects and presents these secrets for you, without the hype.

AI-ify your business this year

Learn to apply AI to every area of your business in just 2 days


AI-driven automation is a quantum leap for businesses.

The average business is seeing between 40% and 75% reduction in time and resources spent with AI.


Over 80% of executives consider AI a top priority in their business strategy this year.

AI is THE leverage for gaining the competitive advantages, innovating, and improving decision-making abilities​.


Traditional jobs are going *poof*

64% of Employees are already using AI but only 25% of Employees are telling their employers!

Train your team in how to use AI or LOSE them to your competitors.
Speakers, Action Plans,
And AI Secret sauce
buy tickets
see schedule


Businesses who use AI the right way will rise above the rest.

The time to act, to learn, to adapt, and to lead in AI is now—before the wave crests and there’s too many people in on it to stand out.
Tinkering with ChatGPT won't help you.
Is it having a meaningful impact on your business?
While everyone else is distracted by the shiny objects, this is your chance to leap decades ahead of your competition and stay ahead for good.


get your tickets now

- Stay in your lane and still benefit from those immersed in AI and use their tricks to catapult you ahead of the rest.

- Optimize operational costs and keep your team thriving by reducing the time and money spent on routine tasks.

- Increase your profit by making faster strategic business decisions than your competitors confidently with AI-mined data.

- Expand your market by testing and offering AI-driven products that meet new customer needs.

- Boost customer retention rates with the newest individually personalized, engaging, follow up methods.

- Capture a once-in-a-lifetime competitive advantage and hold it by bringing innovations to market more rapidly than competitors.
JUNE 6th – 8TH
If you have a smart team, dedicated leaders, and a hungry audience, it’s your duty to see opportunities, explore them and find a way to utilize them. AI is, without a doubt, the greatest opportunity for business growth in our lifetime.

Don’t split your time trying to reinvent the wheel while running your company. Let the nerdy experts tell you what they see happening now (and what’s coming) at the only event in the world where they share their secrets all in one place - The World AI Summit.

Ok, but is this really all happening right under our noses?

How can you tell for SURE that this is THE TIME to get involved and integrate AI into your business and help you get work done?

The answer is simple... Follow the money.

  1. Nvidia's revenue rocketed to $18.1 billion, with profits surging fourteenfold and a market valuation crossing $1 trillion​​. [source]
  2. AMD doubled its share price and eyes a $400 billion market, securing its throne in the AI chip race​​. [source]
  3. Micron stands as the solitary US titan in the DRAM chip arena, pivotal for AI's memory needs​​. [source]
  4. Intel saw its shares leap from $26.70 to $42.7, on the brink of pioneering the 2nm chip revolution​​. [source]
  5. ASML's shares ascended by 14%, valuing the company at €250 billion​​. [source]
  6. Palantir surged on AI-driven optimism, securing a lucrative contract with the U.S. Army through 2026s​​. [source]
  7. Accenture commits $3 billion to double its AI workforce to 80,000​​. [source]

These companies are going parabolic. These profits are just the beginning and you should look at them as  “Heralds of the Change”...


JUNE 6th – 8TH




The power prompting workshop

Discover the hidden secrets of AI prompting in just 5 simple steps. Our power prompting workshop teaches you the art of crafting the perfect prompt to get the results you want, every time. No confusing jargon or complicated techniques - just a straightforward, easy-to-follow process that anyone can master. Don't miss this opportunity to take your AI skills to the next level and create truly remarkable outputs.
included with gold & VIP

lunch BREAK

build a team of agents together

Join us for a hands-on workshop where you’ll learn how to create and manage AI agents that can help automate tasks and make your work easier. We’ll show you step-by-step how to set up these agents to handle different jobs, saving you time and effort. Whether you’re new to AI or just looking to improve your skills, this workshop will give you practical tips and tricks you can use right away. Come and see how a team of AI agents can make a big difference in your business.
included with gold & VIP


Upon arrival, join us at the designated check-in area to receive your summit materials and badge. This is the perfect time to settle in, network with fellow attendees, and prepare for a transformative journey into AI innovation.


Kick off the summit with our welcome party, a vibrant gathering designed to foster connections among AI enthusiasts, experts and pioneers. Enjoy light refreshments and land in the space, setting the stage for a summit filled with groundbreaking insights and collaborative opportunities.


Greatest AI Secrets we're using: it's ON like donkey kong.



The Impact of AI on Mergers, Acquisitions, and Exit - A Visionary Entrepreneur's Playbook

Tom Shipley will show you how AI is transforming the world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and how you can use this technology to benefit your business. As a business owner, you'll learn how to strengthen your business foundation for acquisitions, increase your company's value, and build a resilient model that can thrive even in uncertain times. This session will provide you with practical strategies to make your business more attractive for mergers, acquisitions, and exits, ultimately helping you achieve a successful and profitable exit. Gain the insights and tools needed to navigate the M&A landscape with confidence, ensuring your business stays ahead in a rapidly evolving market.
By Tom Shipley

discover what drives your best customer’s buying decisions

Darby offers you the keys to dominate your market with unmatched agility using his AI-driven customer insights method. Use this method to outpace, outsmart, and outperform your competition, ensuring your business becomes an unstoppable force, reshaping the industry landscape with innovative prowess and securing a legendary status in your sector.
by Darby Rollins

90 Days of Social Media Content in 45 Minutes that Converts

Curt shares his step-by-step AI blueprint for how he easily transforms a 45-minute chat into 90 days of compelling social content that drives conversions and masters your unique voice, so you can sit back as the traffic rolls in.
by Curt Maly

How to Think in "AI"

In this session, Peter will show you how to shift your mindset to better understand and use AI in your daily work. He’ll explain how thinking in AI can help you solve problems more creatively, make smarter decisions, and streamline your processes. Whether you’re new to AI or looking to deepen your understanding, Peter’s practical insights will help you think more like AI, making your work faster and more innovative. Join him to learn how to adopt this powerful new way of thinking and apply it to real-world challenges.
by Peter Cobabe

lunch BREAK

Run Your Business with AI While You Scale Up the Fun Stuff

Molly reveals under the hood of her fully AI-integrated business and how you can do the same, focusing solely on the fun stuff in your business. Discover how to authentically scale your personal brand and magnetize a massive online following - revel in growth while keeping your authentic voice as AI draws the crowds for you.
by Molly Mahoney

Training Your Team in AI (Panel)

Join a dynamic panel of industry leaders who are at the forefront of integrating AI into their teams. Discover firsthand the lessons they've learned, the challenges they've overcome, and the successes they've celebrated. This panel will provide practical insights into the best practices for training your team in AI, from selecting the right tools and techniques to fostering an environment that embraces continuous learning and innovation. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your current AI training strategies, this discussion will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration you need to empower your team and leverage AI effectively in your operations. 
With Special Guests

Using AI to Double Your Sales on Autopilot

Adam unveils the secrets of his AI-driven sales machine, showing you how he automated and scaled his sales processes to astonishing success. He’ll steer you through the common pitfalls others face with AI in sales while you double or triple your sales conversion using AI the right way.

Getting The Unfiltered Truth From AI

John peels back the curtain on navigating around AI censorship, offering a masterclass on training your AI to speak your unfiltered truth. Discover how to skillfully bypass the constraints of AI moderation, enabling it to deliver genuine insights and how to harness this honesty to engage and inspire your audience.
by John Arrow


Join us for an exclusive VIP dinner, where you'll dine in an intimate setting with industry leaders and keynote speakers. This evening offers a unique opportunity for meaningful dialogue, and forging new partnerships, all while enjoying a gourmet meal curated to delight your senses.

june 8

what's coming in AI for your business: see into the future now



Why AI Is Now Mandatory For Marketers…And The Dirty Little Secret That Makes AI Copy Convert

Don't miss this session with Jon Benson to find out why AI is a game-changer for marketers and the secret sauce that makes AI-generated copy sell. Jon will break down how to use AI tools to write copy that grabs attention and drives results. You'll learn how to fine-tune your messages, create content that speaks to different audiences, and come up with killer ideas. Whether you want to boost your ads, refresh your website, or create buzz on social media, Jon's no-nonsense tips will level up your copywriting. Join us and see how AI can make your copy not just good, but unbeatable.
by jon Benson

Software is dead - How to profit as AI is obliterating the saas and software market

Join Joe Stolte, the mastermind behind, as he reveals how to stay ahead in the rapidly changing world of technology. Joe, a pioneer in AI-driven solutions and a successful entrepreneur, will share his insights on how AI is transforming the software industry and what the next generation of Software as a Service (SaaS) will look like. Learn how to harness AI to make your software smarter, more autonomous, and highly adaptable. Joe will provide practical strategies for integrating AI into your business, enabling you to create more efficient, personalized, and responsive solutions. Whether you're running a startup or a well-established company, this talk will equip you with the knowledge and tools to lead in the new era of AI-driven software. Discover how to pivot, innovate, and seize the opportunities that AI offers to keep your business at the forefront of the industry. Don't miss this chance to learn from an industry leader and position your business for success in the future of software.
by Joe Stolte

AI Video Marketing That Converts Like Crazy

Mars is going to blow your mind with his method for creating high-converting video marketing at lightning speed and minimal cost using AI tools. He'll show you how to achieve what traditionally took months and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a few days with a budget of only a few hundred bucks. You'll learn to leverage AI to streamline your video production process, ensuring top-notch quality and engagement without the usual hassle and expense. Mars will provide a step-by-step guide on utilizing AI for scripting, editing, and optimizing your videos, so you can produce professional-grade content that outperforms your competition. By the end of this session, you'll have the tools and knowledge to leave all your competitors in the dust, transforming your video marketing strategy and boosting your ROI like never before.

Turning Your Expertise into Profitable Online Courses with the Power of AI

Kelley is a seasoned educator and curriculum creating genius and on the Summit stage she'll share her biggest secret on how business owners can leverage the power of AI to revolutionize their online course creation and delivery. With over 20 years of teaching experience and a passion for empowering others through education, Kelley will guide you through the process of transforming your expertise into a highly engaging and profitable online course. Discover how AI can streamline your content creation, personalize the learning experience for your students, and ultimately drive the success of your online education business. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to monetize your knowledge or an established business owner seeking to expand your offerings, Kelley's talk will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to harness the potential of AI in the world of online education.
by Kelley Tenny

lunch BREAK

How to shift your leadership style to meet ai

Can your leadership style survive the coming AI chaos? Explore with Peter Laughter the crucial shift from rigid command-and-control to dynamic, distributed decision-making. Learn why traditional hierarchies falter in our fast-paced world and how embracing a networked approach can propel your organization forward. Peter combines historical insights and personal experiences to demonstrate the need for adaptable leadership. This session is vital for any leader looking to navigate and excel in the modern era of disruption.
by Peter Laughter

The AI Tech Stack That can Double your Revenue in 30 Days

Ashley Gross is a full on badass. She'll be revealing the transformative power of AI in business, sharing her personal journey of integrating cutting-edge technologies to streamline operations. Dive into Ashley's AI tech stack, the backbone of her success, as she details the specific tools that have revolutionized her workflow. Discover the profound benefits of AI implementation, from efficiency gains to enhanced focus on the more enjoyable aspects of business. Ashley will walk you through her first ten days using AI, providing a clear playbook of actionable steps. She'll also reveal how this shift allowed her to concentrate on the "fun stuff," culminating in impressive stats on revenue growth within the first 30 days. Don't miss this chance to learn how to harness AI to not only run your business more effectively but also to amplify your enjoyment and success in the process.
by Ashley Gross


Chris Daigle, the visionary behind, brings his expert insights on empowering your business through strategic AI leadership. In this compelling session, Chris will guide you through the essential steps to train a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) within your company. Learn how a CAIO can dramatically enhance decision-making processes, streamline operations, and foster innovation. Chris will not only discuss the qualifications and skills necessary for a successful CAIO but will also share proven strategies for integrating this pivotal role into your business framework effectively. Discover how tripling your business is within reach by harnessing the power of AI through adept leadership. Join Chris for a transformative look at how appointing a Chief AI Officer can lead your company to unprecedented growth and success.
by Chris Daigle

closing keynote

It's a surprise! Since we only have 500 seats, we're playing this one close to the chest. Come and see for yourself!
by secret speaker



Buy Your Tickets now

Tickets on sale now.
JUNE 6th – 8TH
Buy Now

A Letter from the founders

Joshua Pellicer and Peter Cobabe

Read the writing on the wall

We believe that you’ve got to integrate AI into your business and do it NOW if you want to stand a chance.

Hey, we’re in the same boat as you! We saw the writing on the wall years ago and we made the leap... and you know what? Our companies are growing LIKE CRAZY because of it.

The World AI Summit is founded by Chris Daigle, Peter Cobabe, and Joshua Pellicer. We’ve joined forces to gather a group of friends and like-minded powerhouses that we want to share this bright future with. Each year we will gather the best of the best experts in the world to come speak and share their wisdom with us.

You’re on this page because you’ve been invited to ride this wave with us.

We have VERY limited seating for this event. If you think you might want to join us, select and reserve your tickets below. We’ve got swag for ya, a great group of attendees and BRILLIANT speakers that will blow your mind, and we guarantee you’ll love it or we’ll give you your money back.

100% Satisfaction guarantee

If you attend this event and take notes, your mind will be absolutely blown away by what you see and learn. We know you’ll get 100X what you invested and you’ll absolutely leap over your competition so fast their heads will be spinning.

If not - if you’re not absolutely awed by the insights and tactics you learn by the end of Day 1, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. It’s that simple.

This Flagship Year of the world ai summit.

The World AI Summit is a meticulously curated gathering of the sharpest minds in the field coming together to share pure, actionable insights and grounded, practical strategies that will prepare you for the AI-driven transformation that's happening now.

You'll leave equipped with the insider knowledge and mind blowing tools and skills to pull ahead and anchor yourself as an industry leader.

This is how you "Stay On Top Of AI"


All participants and ticket holders of The World AI Summit will be gifted a copy of Ray Kurzweil's enlightening new book, "The Singularity is Nearer."

Courtesy of our Sponsor Kurzweil Technology.

This masterpiece offers a riveting exploration of the future, where human intelligence and artificial intelligence converge, transforming our world in unimaginable ways. It's not just a book; it's a roadmap to the future of AI and its imminent impact on every facet of our lives. Join us in embracing the revolution that lays ahead, with "The Singularity is Nearer" as your essential guide to the future at the cusp of unfolding.